
to TABEA e.V. – „Verein für ergänzende unabhängige Teilhabeberatung im Landkreis Stade“ – Association for additional  independent counseling  concerning participation in  the district of Stade.

We are an EUTB counselling centre that provides support in all matters relating to rehabilitation and participation benefits. EUTB stands for Ergänzende Unabhängige TeilhabeBeratung – Supplementary Independent Participation Counselling.

Our counselling is aimed at people with disabilities, mental and chronic illnesses and their relatives.

  • on an equal footing
  • oriented towards your individual concerns and needs
  • independent of agencies that pay for or provide services
  • complementary to other counselling services
We provide counselling
  • on all topics of participation and rehabilitation
  • in the run-up to applying for benefits
  • when making an application, e.g. for a severely disabled person’s card, rehabilitation application
  • on how to organise your life in a self-determined way

We do not provide legal advice and do not offer support in appeal or legal action proceedings.

Do you need an interpreter for sign language or a foreign language? Please contact us!

Would you like to be advised?

Come to our consultation hours or make an appointment.

Consultation hours without appointment in Stade
Wednesday: 9 am – 12 am
Thursday: 3 pm – 5 pm

Ergänzende unabhängige Teilhabeberatung im Landkreis Stade
Schiefe Straße 1
21682 Stade

Phone: 04141 788 16 80
E-Mail: info@tabea-stade.de

If you can’t reach us by phone, please leave your name and your number at the answering machine. We’ll call you back.
